Royal Horticultural Society

HOW PEARLFINDERS is helping the "world's largest gardening charity" secure multiyear partnerships

The Client: The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK's leading gardening charity, promoting horticulture through events including the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.

Commercial Partnerships Account Manager, Giles Mansell discusses how Pearlfinders has helped the charity secure new partnerships for several years: “We’ve subscribed to Pearlfinders for three years now, and – both directly and indirectly - the product has contributed to securing new brand partnerships, including a major FMCG brand which subsequently resulted in a multiyear extension."

"What I like about Pearlfinders is their ability to speak directly with senior, and influential, decision-makers about actual priorities when it comes to marketing, sponsorships and partnerships."

"In addition to basing our outreach on just data and our existing networks, we’re also able to establish new dialogues with brands we might not previously have even considered reaching out to. The product is helpful for sector research too – if I’m going to a meeting with a new prospect, I’ll always check for reports and insights online or via the app."

The Results: "I’m confident Pearlfinders will continue to help us grow the portfolio of RHS Shows in 2017 and beyond!”